
Friday, 3 June 2011

Whanaungatanga Description

Whanaungatanga Description.

I opened the door to the time machine and what lay before is what I could smell, see and hear.

The muddy village was the first thing I saw. Fresh plants grew around. I could hear the children laughing as they were playing. I saw a Marae, I could see the poi swinging round. I heard the elders talking as they kept warm in there cloaks.  I saw their houses were made out of wood as people went in and out. I could smell the fresh air. The broken wooden fences surround me as I stared at the view.

I looked at people walking by and I spotted a Tohunga as he was saying a karakia before he cut the harakeke. I saw the Tohunga heal the wound and the ladies weaving baskets and other things.

I could smell the hangi that was steaming and cooking and I looked at the huge pit before my eyes. The men rolling the hot rocks into the pit, the ladies putting the baskets on top.

When I turned around the corner, I could see the children walking into a church to start school as they would sit on wooden chairs. The only thing I could smell is rusty chalk back then.

I could hear the children running on grass playing sports and games. I saw games like string games, knuckle bones, poi, poi toa and ki.  I saw the children preparing  their plans and going into action.

I opened the door to the time machine again and travelled back to 2011. When I got back I felt like I won the lotto, but I didn’t.  I had just had a great adventure!


  1. Hello Elizabeth,
    What a fantastic piece of writing. You have described the Maori village life from the past very expertly. This was a great piece to read!! Congratulations. From Ms Hansell (Principal)

  2. Fabulous writing Elizabeth! I especially like how you described the broken wooden fence surrounded you as you stared at the view - very creative!

    Mrs Anderson :-)
