When I tried to open the car door, through the window I could see a wave of red, white and brown, coming towards me.I heard chanting and screaming. People were waving flags in my face and I just said “CHEE HOO!” The Tongan people were louder than the aeroplanes coming in. Now my feet were itching to go outside to be on camera. As I pushed through the passionate crowd they pushed and squashed me.
Four hours has passed of waiting in the boiling sun, then something surprised me... When all of the Tongan rugby team came out with a shock, they got their phones and cameras out videoing the excited players. They were dressed in black with ta’ovala on each of the Tongan players. When they walked in with a shock it was like they were in another Tonga. As they started their dance, I filled with pride from head to toe. As the Tongan rugby team finished with a serious face then a smile popped out as they got off the stage to hug there family members a hello.
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